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Small Business Lawyer in Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Business Formation   ◊   Contracts   ◊   Business Litigation

If you're starting a new business in NH or MA you may be seeking to protect personal assets, incorporate with the State, create an LLC agreement, draft and negotiate a multi-member LLC agreement, review or draft contracts, and general business review. Starting a new business is exciting. However, not doing it correctly could have long-term consequences that could easily be averted.

Attorney Clark has owned three successful contracting businesses before managing his law firm. His passion and venture into self-employment began with his father twenty-five years ago. You can decide when you work, how hard you will work, nobody can fire you, or lay you off. The success or failure of your business is mostly determined by how much you put into your business. Attorney Clark's extensive business ownership experience enables him to advise you on legal issues associated with your business and issues others wouldn't ordinarily see.

Some of the most common business issues are:

  • LLC Creation: LLCs are the most common entity we create. They are informal and provide a great amount of protection while allowing you to forgo complicated costly formalities. We assist you in tradename registration, State filing, and LLC formation.
  • Multi-member LLC Operating Agreements: We draft comprehensive Multi-member LLC Operating Agreements. This will establish the percentage of ownership of each partner, the limitations and authority each partner will have, what triggers the dissolution of the partnership and related all-important contractual obligations of the LLC members.
  • LLC Consultation: While preparing your LLC we'll complete a comprehensive consultation with you on LLCs, how to minimize your personal liability, and how to ensure you treat your LLC as a corporation.
  • Business Contracts: We review and draft contracts, and negotiate obligations of business purchases, buy/sell agreements, office lease agreements, equipment leasing contracts, suppliers/vendors agreements, and partnership contracts.
  • Business Lawsuits: We represent business owners. We file lawsuits for our clients when a reasonable resolution is not met. Our clients can be the Petitioner / Plaintiff, the initiator of the lawsuit, or the Respondent, also known as the Defendant. The most common business issue for a lawsuit is breach of contract. Generally, these issues are resolved through a negotiated settlement, but we will fight for you in Court if it is in your best interest.

For your business concern, please contact Rich Clark directly at (603)396-3833.


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Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Donec sed odio dui. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas.