A. In order for you to get paid on your car accident or injury, the insurance company will require you to sign the Release form. The Release will prevent you from coming back for additional damages and financial compensation. You need to be certain the offer pays your properly. Have you computed all damages to include things such as medical bills, deductibles, lost wages, pain and suffering, scars, etc.
Once you sign the form it will have long-term consequences. A common issue with the injured is they need money. They have missed work, had to pay for medical treatment, auto deductibles, and car rental. Initially the quick money sounds like a good idea to pay the bills. Don't take a fraction of what you may have received.
Talk to an experienced personal injury attorney before you sign the Release. The Law Office of Richard E. Clark, LLC offers free consultations on all car accident or personal injury matters. Call Attorney Clark at (603) 431-0009, or visit www.NHseacoastLawyers.com.
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